Project description Artists Atelier (From 1996)

This message is for artists who are connected to Internet.

The Italian artist Franco Vaccari invites artists to join the Atelier d'artista - Esposizione in tempo reale n. 22, a project realized with the collaboration of the art critic Valerio DehU, the graphic and consultation of Giorgio De Novellis and the technical and organizational support of Ennio Bianco. 

The project consists of a collection of documents on artists' atelier (artists' workplaces) sent via internet at:

This material will be shown on a wide screen during the exhibition which will take place at Casa del Giorgione (Giorgione's Home) one of the most important artists of the XV century, so that this home will become Home of XX century artists.

At the end of the exhibition the material received will be printed.

The most interesting aspect of the exhibition is that this time the artists' lives and workplaces become the subjects rather than their works.

The artists themselves will decide what to show, private or secret, so that with their truths, their reticences and their redundances, they will offer an overview of the artist's world in this 'fin de siècle'.
